Friday, March 13, 2009


Or that is what "they" are calling it at least. How do I fit in to all of this? Well I don't think I have picked a side. I am not "fighting" for anything. You see, I have been enjoying playing Dungeons and Dragons 3.5. I love the system. I suffer from being one of those types that prefers and needs clear and concise rules in life. The same can be said about my RPG's. That being said, I also like to be able to fly by the seat of my pants, so I have an attraction to OD&D and AD&D1E because of their intentional ways of leaving the rules vague and up to the reader to interpret. I have recently decided on this "venture" into the world of a new campaign using the first edition rules because of my internal quest to try and capture just a small portion of the nostalgia from my youth. Not because I believe it to be a superior edition, but because I want to capture a glimpse of the good old days. I am not expecting a time machine-like experience, but I have a hunch that the later rules of D&D may be harder for me to use as a catalyst for stirring up that tiny spark of nostalgia that I crave. If my experiment works, then for me, I will know what side of the war I am on.... Maybe I can be a medic or something... I don't want to fight on the front lines. I've got a family man.

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